Eir (Old Norse "protection, help, mercy") is a valkyrie and goddess in Norse mythology. Eir was one of the 12 or 13 highest-ranking goddesses. She is also listed as one of the nine mothers What Did Marvel Get Right About Norse Mythology? Some scholars believe that Brigid may have evolved from multiple goddesses and incorporated several archetypes. Eir is the goddess called upon for herbal and medicinal knowledge. She is the equivalent (and patron of) the ER surgeon who must face frightening wounds, and make on-the-spot judgments as to whether the patient can be saved. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hosted by NorthernPaganism.org. Eir is one of the Valkyries who appears in the Norse poetic eddas, and is designated as a spirit of medicine. Cookie Notice Privacy Policy. Although it doesnt produce much smoke, it is a highly aromatic wood to burn. What to offer Eir, Goddess of Healing? Kupalo/Kupala is celebrated at a festival called Kupala Night with rituals of purification through water and fire. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. How Eirs energy will influence my own energy, 6. Throughout the meal, think of it must require of her to heal others who need her blessings, to be a handmaiden to Frigga and devoted to healing. Main challenge to working with Eir 9 of Cups: Get out of my head and into my heart. Santification. 16 8 8 comments Best Add a Comment Henry Adams Bellows proposes a relationship between Eir and the place name Lyfjaberg, which he translates as "hill of healing". Mintahas been studying withKari Tauring, founder of Vlva Stav, a nordic tradition based on ancestral study for the past couple of years. The goddess who presided over childbirth was held to possess power over life and death, and was revered as a lifegiver, both in the family home and in the courts of kings, though she might also pass sentence of death. Bylgia ("billow") is a water and sea Goddess. In order to make an offering to Eir for her help in keeping you and yours healthy, first pour yourself a horn (or glass) of mead or other beverage and say: "Eir, goddess of healing, hail! Part of me feels like spring water would make a good sacrifice to a healer, but it seems rather bland. Hygieia was the daughter and assistant of Asclepius the Greek God of medicine. She resides in Lyfjaberg, the Mountain of Medicine, which is also the heart of herbalist knowledge for the gods. https://treesforlife.org.uk/forest/mythology-folklore/juniper2/, https://maritime.org/conf/conf-kaye-tar.htm. The Norse people believed illnesses were multifaceted, and could be situational or traced back through a persons lineage. Was it a mistake, or was he correcting an error in the Gylfaginning? Any other ideas? Staying humble and adaptable all the way through is a must. appropriate she seems to be fond of garnets. Vindkald. Juniper was used for clarifying beer in some of the earliest brews of the Scandinavian people. November 1, 2019. Hlif is one named, | Hlifthrasa another,Thjothvara call they the third;Bjort and Bleik, | Blith and Frith,Eir and Aurbotha.. Each goddess had a particular job, whether it be related to blood, breath, or wealth. Allow Voting Cookie. Comfrey is traditionally one of Eirs herbs, And this is where things get confusing. She is one of the goddesses closer to Frigg. Contents 1 Attestations 1.1 Poetic Edda 1.2 Prose Edda Mentions ofEir: Fjsvinnsmal, The Poetic Edda;Sturlson, Snorri This Altars, Shrines & Tools item by SpiritFyreStore has 30 favorites from Etsy shoppers. God of justice and duelling, archery and skiing. Or Norn. and to do well in treating If you're looking to bring more love and passion into your life, consider working with the gorgeous Hathor Goddess of Love. Fjolsvith spake: Eir the Goddess of Medicine & Important Norse Healing Trees, herbal medicine go hand in hand across cultures and ancestral traditions. Son of Odin and the god of silence and vengeance. Whether it be through the Marvel interpretations of characters like Thor and Loki, or reconstructed myth cultures such asAmerican Godsby Neil Gaiman, it goes without question that the masculine gods of the Norse pantheon tend to take the forefront. In order to make an offering to Eir for her help in keeping you and yours healthy, first pour yourself a horn (or glass) of mead or other beverage and say: Eir, goddess of healing, hail! she Kupalo/Kupala is a Slavic deity representing joy, mid-summer, peace, magic, water, and herbs. So todays post is dedicated to connecting with Eir and learning how to work with her. eir goddess offerings. So I'm relatively new to both Norse Paganism and Reddit, but I need to know how to make an altar and offering to either Eir or Frigga, I'm not sure which I should make an offering to or what I should offer. Goddess of mercy, hail! eir goddess offerings. 5. her myth her powers her looks She is thought to look like an angel, or a regular human. no pestilence so great shall come to the sons of men, Eir [woman] of mackerels' ground [likely gold] takes often and much sleep from me. Other trees of note are the rowan, which saved Thor from drowning, the elder tree which is still used to this day for cough medicines and tonics, the wild apple tree, and the yew tree. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Tell me, Fiolsvith! She is skilled at all kinds of healing, particularly herbcraft, and was even capable of resurrection. Since there is very little attested source material (none on how to do healing work with her), I decided to divine my way forward on this path. In many Norse families, Eir is honored as a spirit of healing. Scan this QR code to download the app now. 4. The feminine goddess culture and herbal medicine go hand in hand across cultures and ancestral traditions. [These pages use text from Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Even today, scholars debate whether Eir was a goddess or a Valkyrie. Snorri Sturluson, who set out to explain Norse mythology in his Prose Edda, explains Eir in two different ways in the two main books, Gylfaginning and Skaldskaparmal.. Goddess or . Hygieia (Greek) Is one of the most well known healing Goddesses she prevented ill-health by teaching the importance of cleanliness and sanitation. (I do not recommend foraging or harvesting mushrooms without a clear understanding of mycology.). The healer of the other gods and goddesses. Hilda Ellis Davidson comments that "virtually nothing" is known about Eir outside of her association with healing, and points out that she is "singled out as one of the Norns who shape the lives of children". There is reason to believe that she once played an important role in Norse religion, yet so little is known about this enigmatic shield maiden. Norse Hygeia as some call her. (I dont know if that ever happens, but I suspect that After the exchange, Svipdagr asks if these figures will give aid if blts are made to them. Eir, and Orboda. [10] Similarly, the name Eir is used in a woman kenning in a runic inscription inscribed on a stick from Bergen, Norway around the year 1300. Lyfjaberg ("hill of healing) is where the goddess sits surrounded by her helpful spirits. how these maids are called, Goddess of healing. What I must do if I wish to work with Eir, 4. Davidson says that, in reference to Eir's appearance among Mengl's maidens, that the names of these maidens "suggest that they are guardian spirits, and [they are] said to 'shelter and save' those who make offerings of them. The name remained frequently used in woman kennings in rmur poetry. Hail Eir, Greatest Physician!. Her role with Menglod at Lyfjaberg, the hill of healing, also confers upon her great powers of medicine and midwifery. We will tell you all about the different gods and goddesses, as well as the heroes and heroines. Handmaiden of Frigga, hail! - This poem is in the Common Domain and may be freely distributed I also have a tendency to flit between one shiny subject and the next on my quest for knowledge And yeah, like Ratatoskr (the squirrel going up and down Yggdrasil), I can be drawn to gossip. Then each day from ill do they guard.". Disclaimer: These products are not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 21. I had the great pleasure of experiencing the sauna in May with my teacher. In the next book of the Prose Edda, Skldskaparml, she is also listed among the Valkyries but is not found under the list of sir gods. Svipdag spake: She is also the Valkyrie of mercy, flying over the battlefield to dispense medicines or death to fallen warriors. Benjamin Thorpe translation: Minta takes private consulting clients and offers runic divination services. Ships from Weed, CA. illness; Eirs job is to make the snap decision in the moment between life and She is attested in thePoetic Edda bySnorri Sturlison and in skaldic poetry and runic inscriptions. This is about me overthinking this change of paths. Ocala National Forest Poverty, Light the candle and say: Physician of the Gods, the Merciful One. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I ask you to speed medical healing, to speed the recovery of illness or injury. --~Attributes and Correspondences~-- Area of Influence: Water, Seas, Waves Pantheon: Norse Abode: Seas Animals: - Colours: White Consort: - Crystal: - Area of Influence:Healing, Shamans, Childbirth, Life, Death. Eir knows how to open the body and do repair, to stanch blood, to heal massive injuries, to drag someone back from quickly approaching death due to physical trauma. The goddess who presided over childbirth was held to possess power over life and death, and was revered as a lifegiver, both in the family home and in the courts of kings, though she might also pass sentence of death. If you go to a traditional sauna, you may notice bundles of sticks used to beat the body; these would be birch branches,whoseleaves create almost a soaplike residue. Henry Adams Bellows proposes a relationship between Eir and the place name Lyfjaberg, which he translates as "hill of healing". As we have learned, her role changes every time Eir shows up in Skaldic poetry. ], Quote Of The Day: Thursday, 19 January 2023, Colour and Incense of the Day:Thursday, 19 January 2023, Todays Colour is: SalmonTodays Incense is: Pine. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! She presided over childbirth was held to possess power over life and death, and was revered as a lifegiver, both in the family home . Thank you! This hill, called Lyfjaberg, may be her abode, such as a hill of the Alfar, or perhaps a realm in sgard. Thjothvara call they the third; We have seen many examples of Norse legendary characters in the Marvel comics and films, such as Thor, Loki, Odin, Frigg, and even Thors goats. The Newsletter is due to be published in -44945 days, on the . High lists Eir third, and says no more about her other than noting that "she is an extremely good physician. For some scholars, its a bit of a stretch to deduce that she was a Norn from this passage, but its possible. Though Snorri is an excellent source, he is imperfect at times. Eir is the Goddess of Healing and is mentioned in the Prose Edda as one of the most powerful of the Asynjor (female Aesir). He was also limited by time and distance. eir goddess offerings "Eir, goddess of healing, hail! In the meantime, dont forgetEirwhen you are plunging into your herbal practice! Eir is named after the Scandinavian physician goddess of medicine skill and health. Inspire the doctors to have mercy, as you have mercy. Olsen, Karin (1996). "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, the question I ask, Eir - Goddess of healing. John Lindowis skeptical of there having been a belief in Eir as a goddess, stating that "whether we should trust Snorri and imagine the existence of a goddess Eir is problematic". Ancient Egyptian Sundial Found: An ancient sundial has been discovered in an Egyptian Family Targeted By Bullies For Being Witches, The Witches God - Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches Goddess - Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses - George Hart, Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia - Jeremy Black and Anthony Green, Maori Religion and Mythology - Edward Shortland, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 2-Volume Set - Patricia Monaghan, Asgard and the Gods: The Tales and Traditions of Our Northern Ancestors - Wilhelm Wgner Macdovvall, The Mythology of all Races - Vol 1-12 - Louis H Gray, The Ancient Gods Speak - Edited by Donald B Redford, Aradia, Gospel of the Witches - Charles G. Leland, Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas - H. A. Guerber, The Theogony of Hesiod - translated by Hugh G. Evelyn-White 1914, Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities, 2-Volume Set - Charles Russell Coulter and Patricia Turner. There are no Egyptian goddesses quite like Hathor. To make matters even more complicated, some believe she was a Norn- a goddess of fate that could tell the future. She is known as a handmaiden of the Goddess Frigga and is also counted among the Valkyrjor which means she is connected to Odin as well. back from quickly approaching death due to physical trauma. There is a lot to be learned from the ancestral practices of cultural groups, and the Norse are no exception. Eir and Aurbotha.". Physician of the Gods, the Merciful One. She is one of the goddesses on the mountain called Lyfia ("to heal through magic"), and gives both . Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The identity of mysterious Valkyrie Eir remains an enigma. [3] The name is already used in this way by the 10th century poets Kormkr gmundarson and Hallfrer vandraskld. blood (although some have seen her to like green as well), and a magic charm pouch should be made of red cloth with blood-stanching While she's referenced in three separate Skaldic texts, her role often changes. Serket was the goddess of poisons and the Egyptians associated the intestines with poison, thus she was given charge over the safety and well-being of Qebhesenuef. I have formed a strong bond with Eir and have even received relief from a leg pain related to my nerve condition. "Now answer me, Fjolsvith, the question I ask, What maidens are they that at Mengloth's knees. It can just be a candle, your offering, and an icon of the deity you're worshipping. In chapter 35 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, the enthroned figure of High provides brief descriptions of 16 synjur. All CBD and hemp-derived products on this site are third-party lab tested and contain less than 0.3% THC in accordance with Federal regulations. The goddess who presided over childbirth was held to possess power over life and death, and was revered as a lifegiver, both in the family home and in the courts of kings, though she might also pass sentence of death. Here, we teach you how to start a magical relationship with Hathor including how to set up her altar, provide appropriate offerings, and perform rituals in her honor. at the holy place, For an altar, it doesn't have to something amazingly complex. Enter your email to subscribe to the TWG Newsletter. So today's post is dedicated to connecting with Eir and learning how to work with her. : physician of the goddesses closer to Frigg son of Odin and the god of medicine,... Poverty, Light the candle eir goddess offerings say: physician of the earliest brews of the Valkyries who appears the! 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